Quality comes first at Kastwel
We follow strict ISO practices towards quality control.
- Closely monitored production process
- Rigorous 3-stage inspection
- Chemical Analysis at our lab
Supports our mission of producing highest quality material.
Our lab is equiped with high accuracy X-Ray Diffraction Spectrometer to analyse the chemical composition of the material produced. Random sample taking procedure is practised and samples from each batch are sent for spectro analysis to our lab and are approved only upon successful matching of desired chemical composition.
We are always keen on improving our production process and follow best practices that are followed world over to enhance performance of our alloys. We regularly send our products for higly standardised Testing Centers for third party inspection of Chemical Analysis.
To widen our production range and to cut down the cost, we out source cast inoculants from our overseas partners. All our suppliers also follow strict quality control and the products are of highest standards with Kastwel’s close monitoring and backup.
We reaffirm our commitment for providing consistent quality product and services through:
Satisfying Customers
By establishing a close partnership aimed at fully understanding their expectations and meeting mutually agreed upon requirements in terms of performance, cost and delivery.
Offering Quality and Value-added Products and Services
By striving to continually improve our processes and methods. By maintaining our expertise and material sources at the cutting edge of technology.
Fostering Our Development
By promoting a healthy and stimulating work environment that is conductive to creativity, professional accomplishment and teamwork.
Acting Strategically
To meet the future needs of our customers.
With its culture founded on quality, complementary expertise and innovation, Kastwel has set its sights on continued growth in order to be acknowledged as a world-class organisation.